
Featured, Food

Easy Ways to Add Protein to Every Meal

Protein is essential for a healthy and nutritional diet. Not only does protein keep you feeling fuller for longer, but it also is a must post-workout to help your muscles recover more quickly. Need to pump up your protein intake? Here are some surprisingly easy ways to sneak protein into every meal without sacrificing calories or taste!

Nuts: Snacking on a handful of nuts is a healthy way to satisfy your hunger while getting your protein intake. However, you can also you nuts the non-traditional way and bake with them or sprinkle them over your salad to instantly add protein to your regular meals.

Edamame:  Edamame is high in protein, iron, calcium, vitamin c and manganese. You can either snack on them regularly or you can add them to any salad. You can even make an edamame dip for veggies or to spread as a condiment on your sandwiches.

Quinoa: Quinoa is packed with protein and is a super easy substitute for rice, pasta or even in some cases flour! You can even add quinoa to your pancake batter or healthy muffin mix!

Protein Powder: A super easy way to add protein to your food. You can add this to any smoothie, pancakes, cakes, etc.

Tofu: Tofu is the perfect protein-packed ingredient to add to recipes without anyone realizing it. You can add it to dips or healthy desserts… we won’t tell if you don’t!

Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt can be substituted for mayo, sour cream, and in some instances even butter!


What’s your favorite way to have your protein? Comment below and let us know!


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Joann Chedid

Joann Chedid is a diehard cosmetics junkie, in love with all things makeup and fashion. She is the biggest optimist you’ll ever meet. Always seeing the upside and making the best of every situation, she is a huge believer in the quote “wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” This fashion forward city girl has a great passion for life and adventure. You can follow Joann on Twitter and Pinterest too.

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