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How To Apply Lipstick

Lipstick can be the perfect way to complement your outfit and emphasize your look of the day. Many people fear lipstick because of its daring personality, but if you know how to put it on the right way, you’ll have people asking you for makeup tips right away! Most people just jump right to it by spreading their lipstick onto their lips, but to get the perfect look it is important to follow a few other steps.

1. Scrub, Scrub, Scrub

Putting lipstick on top of chapped or dry lips can leave a very unprofessional look—not to mention, it won’t last very long! Try using a lip scrub like Sara Happ’s Vanilla Bean Lip Scrub for soft lips that feel and taste like silky vanilla. On a budget? No problem—try using an old toothbrush and some water to brush away dead skin. [easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B0013CR83Q” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”” width=”160″]


2. Better Soft than Sorry

Next, lather some lip treatment/cream on to your lips to make them soft and smooth. One of my favorite lip treatments is Philosophy’s Kiss Me Tonight Lip Therapy. Leave this on for 20-30 minutes and check out the difference! [easyazon-image align=”none” asin=”B002D4JABQ” locale=”us” height=”147″ src=”” width=”160″]


3. Prime Time (Optional)

Who has time to keep reapplying their lipstick throughout the day? Use the same foundation that you already put on your skin and apply a thin layer over your lips. This will act as a primer and help your lipstick last all night! If you don’t use foundation or don’t need your lipstick to stay on for too long, feel free to skip this step.


4. Keep Calm and Put on Liner

Use a lip liner that is close to the color of your lipstick, and carefully line the outside of your lips. To make your lips appear bigger, you can go outside of your natural line—however, be careful not to go too far or else it will look fake.


5. Color Inside the Lines

Now, fill in your lips with the lip liner. It’s okay if you can see the creases or if it doesn’t look perfect because your lipstick will hide it. This step is just to make your lipstick last longer and stand out more.


6. Stick it

Rather than applying your lipstick directly to your lips, use a lip brush for a more professional and precise look. Be generous with the amount you put on the brush so that you don’t have to keep putting more and more layers—this will make your lips look messy and clunky.


7. Blot it out

While you may want red lips, you definitely do not want red teeth. Get a tissue and blot your lips! This will get rid of the excess lipstick and stop it from getting on your teeth and ruining your smile. That would be embarrassing!



Now go out and spread that lipstick envy! Xx


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Joann Chedid

Joann Chedid is a diehard cosmetics junkie, in love with all things makeup and fashion. She is the biggest optimist you’ll ever meet. Always seeing the upside and making the best of every situation, she is a huge believer in the quote “wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” This fashion forward city girl has a great passion for life and adventure. You can follow Joann on Twitter and Pinterest too.

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