
Featured, Food, Health

Top Immune Boosting Foods


Everyone hates going to the doctors office, only to leave with a handful of prescriptions that contain who-knows-what. Not to mention the million side-affects that come along with each one! Prolong that dreaded visit by boosting your immune system with these top immune boosting foods:

Oats: Contain beta-glucan, a fiber which helps white blood cells locate the site of infection much more rapidly, and improves their ability to eliminate bacteria one they get there.

Mushrooms: One of the highest antioxidant foods in the world. They are a great source of essential minerals, an excellent source of fiber and vitamin D.

Garlic: Contains sulfur-based compounds that keep your body free of infection by boosting your immune system

Kale: Kale and spinach contain high levels of vitamin C, which help fight off infection and regenerate other antioxidants in the body.

Berries: Contain antioxidants responsible for your body’s ability to destroy invading bacteria and germs. Berries also contain vitamin C and magnesium which are vital to maintaining the strength and function of your immune system.

Walnuts: Walnuts are an antioxidant powerhouse. Their anti-inflammatory properties work to help eczema and psoriasis. They are also great to defend your skin against free-radical damage. Walnuts are also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which promote the production of elastin and collagen.

Eggs: Eggs are packed with amino acids, zinc and vitamin B. They build white blood cells and antibodies, which the body needs to fight off illnesses.

Red Pepper: One red pepper contains 200mg or more of vitamin C.  Oranges only contain about 70 mg!

Yogurt: Yogurt contains probiotics that strengthen the immune system.

Grapefruit: Grapefruits are packed with vitamin C and bioflavonoids which boost the immune system.

Cruciferous Vegetables: Broccoli and cauliflower are rich in antioxidant vitamins which boost your immune system. They also contain Choline which keeps your cells functioning properly.

Carrots: Carrots are a good source of beta carotene which support the body’s mucus membrane, which lines the respiratory and intestinal tracts, making it harder for bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is an antiviral, anti-fungal. Antibacterial AND an immune system booster. Cinnamon fights the pathogens that cause illness.

Watermelon: Contains antioxidant vitamins A and C, which help neutralize free radicals that can lead to inflammation, general sicknesses, strokes and heart attacks. Watermelons contain beta-carotene, which helps fight cancer as well.


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Joann Chedid

Joann Chedid is a diehard cosmetics junkie, in love with all things makeup and fashion. She is the biggest optimist you’ll ever meet. Always seeing the upside and making the best of every situation, she is a huge believer in the quote “wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.” This fashion forward city girl has a great passion for life and adventure. You can follow Joann on Twitter and Pinterest too.

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