What Your Food Cravings Really Mean
Cravings, we all have them. Whether it’s suddenly longing for something salty or your sweet tooth crying out for a quick fix, cravings appear out of nowhere and threaten our attempts at eating healthy. Before you reach for the nearest chocolate bar, read this article to find out what your cravings really mean and how to cure them without sidetracking your health conscious efforts.
Craving: Carbs
What you really need: Protein and Nitrogen
Healthy fixes: Fish, nuts, red peppers, meat, and beans. Fish oil can also help stabilize your blood sugar and curb carb cravings.
Craving: Sugar
What you really need: Sulfur, Chromium, Tryptophan
Healthy fixes: Broccoli, eggs, fruit, dairy, nuts, spinach
Craving: Caffeine
What you really need: Iron, Phosphorus, Sulfur
Healthy fixes: You can get Phosphorus from seafood, lentils, milk. Sulfer can be found in broccoli, garlic, onions, red meat and cauliflower. Iron is typically in leafy greens, beans, lentils, and meat
Craving: Salt
What you really need: Manganese, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin B5
Healthy fixes: Leafy greens and berries
Craving: Chocolate
What you really need: Magnesium
Healthy fixes: Nuts, seeds, fish and cucumber
Craving: Meat
What you really need: Iron, fat, and Vitamin B12
Healthy fixes: Olive oil, avocado, nuts
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